Talent Identification is one of the biggest problem areas in world football.





Here at EFS our goal is to change the way talent identification is approached. Our testing protocol has been employed in some of the biggest footballing academies & colleges in world football including PSG and Leicester City. Our testing is completely objective and our goal is to make talent identification fair and objective.

The unique EFS scoring system combines a range of technical/physical elements along with our unique algorithms to generate an output score which accurately reflects a players current technical/physical ability for their age. The Accumulative score is comprised by the following 6 tests: 




The lofted passing tests a players accuracy and their ability to loft a ball over different distances and angles. The players will be required to loft the ball from a variety of distances into the back of the net on the full.

Challenge yourself: To lift the ball off the ground can you look to the bottom of the ball and lean back slightly, while keeping your eyes on the ball. How do you apply correct height and weight – Spacial awareness is key.




Juggling is an essential skill to a footballers technical foundations, and is a pre-requisite skill to get into world class European academies. Juggling tests a players ABC’s: Agility, Balance and Coordination, and further develops their first touch and ball striking as a player must strike the ball with more precision in order to keep the ball up.

Challenge yourself: Practice juggling by first learning to kick the ball up and catching it at chest height every time, as you get more advanced you will be able to keep the ball up consecutively. Importance of developing solid ABC’s is the ability to utilise both feet.




The Salah Test will test a players ability to run with the ball at pace while keeping control of the ball. The test looks at key decision making and spacial awareness around weight of touch.

Challenge yourself: If you find yourself in lots of space during the game is it better to take bigger touches into that space or smaller touches? Think of ‘on the ball’ and ‘away from the ball’ – Assess your space




Using our state of the art Radar Gun, we are able to accurately measure the speed of your strike in km/h. This testing element accurately tests a players physicality along with their ball striking. We measure and look at the load being applied by the players and correct use of explosive systems.

Challenge yourself: Practice and develop your striking by striking the ball at a goal from close range with special focus of none striking foot and explosive movements (when and where). 




This test is our most reflective output in a players foundational base for football. This test will show how a player recognises spaces, makes informed decisions and how to execute them with changes of direction and speed to beat a player.

Challenge yourself: More work around change of speed and direction is key for being successful at 1v1




We are looking for a players foundational basis of fitness. We are also looking at players ability to rest, move, run and change direction across 20 meter distance. A players most common distances are covered between 5-12 meters.

Challenge yourself: Practice this test at home in the yard, out on the park or down at your local club. There are plenty of FREE apps to complete a Beep Test and see how far you can go.